
Implementation Manual 3.0 OECI Accreditation & Designation Programme

18 Dec 2020

To help cancer centres implement a quality system for cancer care, OECI has developed standards and a peer review system. These standards are revised every 5 years. The revision process is a meticulous process, where we evaluate each standard, while also looking at new developments in cancer care.

The OECI Accreditation & Designation (A&D) Programme launched its second version of the revised standards and procedures, as described in Manual 3.0, in December 2019. The Manual can be downloaded from our website ( Currently, seven centres are working with the new set of standards in the e-tool in preparation for (renewal of) their certification.

To introduce the standards to participating centres, auditors, OECI members and interested parties, we have recorded a presentation by Simon Oberst, chair of the OECI A&D Programme. The presentation provides an explanation about the OECI A&D Programme and the accreditation process. The presentation can be viewed via our OECI A&D website, the homepage of the e-tool environment for participating centres and also via this link:

For more information, please contact the OECI A&D Co-ordinators via