New standards in Manual 3.2 per March 2022
24 Feb 2022
The OECI standards focus on what is critical to cancer care and research. During the IsquaEEA re-accreditation process for our standards, we have reviewed the IEEA standards and found it necessary to add some standards, related to Infection control and Training and support for volunteers, which are essential for cancer care and were missing in Manual 3.1. All centres applying for the A&D Programme for March 2022 will be accredited according to Manual 3.2
Please find below an overview of the new standards:
Standard 11: Quality Assurance
4. There is a programme for infection control.
5. Infection rates are monitored.
6. Results of infection control programmes are reported and analysed.
Standard 83: Analysing and providing for oncology training needs:
2. CORE: 'and prevention and control of infections, including hand hygiene' added to the substandard.
7. The centre ensures that all volunteers who work in the centre (whether with patients or not), are given appropriate training and support for their role (directly or by other bodies).