Registrations are now open for the OECI Oncology Days 2024!
Registrations are now open for the OECI Oncology Days 2024!
The OECI Oncology Days are a forum for dynamic exchange, creative thinking and cooperation.
After last year's successful edition in Paris, which gathered more than 350 participants, this year the OECI Oncology Days, will take place in Helsinki, Finland.
The 46th Edition of the OECI Oncology Days will start on June, 12 with the OECI Accreditation and Designation Sessions.
The Quality and Accreditation Sessions will focus on the importance of Comprehensive Cancer Networks and their accreditation.
They will also focus on capacity building in Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures with an example of a project recently completed in a EU country.
News and developments in our Programme will be described, including the standards revision process.