Registration for the 2018 training for OECI auditors and audit chairs is open – apply before 15 July
Performing a peer review visit as an OECI auditor is a learning experience in your own professional life in the fight against cancer in your own Centre, as well as a crucial part of ensuring quality improvement in the applicant Cancer Centre. You get the chance to examine all aspects of the Cancer Centre, how it is organised at the management level as well as at the clinical and laboratory levels for all disciplines: nurses, physicians, researchers, pathologists, management etc.
When and where?
of November) th of November 2018 (with travel on the 19st and 21thDate: The training will take place on 20 in Inveruno in the beautiful surroundings of the Villa Verganti Veronesi. It is organised by the OECI A&D Group, the OECI Liaison Office and Kerteza. At the end of the training the participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Who are we looking for?
who have the ability to act as chair of a team to strengthen ourspecial need for DirectorsThere is a (for instance Group Leaders or Principal Investigatorsnurses and senior researcherspool, as well as in Trials). The maximum number of training participants is 16 people. A selection will be done on the basis of background, experiences and current positions of the applicants. To qualify, an auditor needs to be employed by a cancer centre, and actively involved in cancer care, research, education, quality control or management. We need people who have the commitment from their management to perform an OECI audit on average 2 times per year and during the working time.
The training includes:
• Introduction in quality management and auditing;
• Introduction of the OECI quality standards, procedures and tools;
• Roles and responsibilities of auditors and chair of an audit team, as well as the OECI coordinator;
• Theoretical background and practical exercises on preparation of an audit, teamwork as an audit team;
• Role plays in performing an OECI audit.
The training is free of charge and it includes accommodation and travelling costs.
Learn more about the profile of a chair of an audit team and auditors at:
When interested, please send your interest form and CV before the 15th of July 2018 to: